Whitfield Replacement Parts Support

Whitfield Stove Parts

Pellet Stove Parts, Repairs, and Troubleshooting
From Industry Experts

Stove Help & FAQ

Here is a quick list of the most common questions that customers like you ask about Whitfield stoves.

Upgrading Your Advantage Burnpot

Replacing the burnpot in your Advantage II Pellet Stove One of the most popular replacement parts in a pellet stove is the burnpot. Burnpots are replaced on a fairly regular basis depending on how often you use your stove. If the metal has burnt through, you have holes, or are missing bars in the burn pot it is time to

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Can I run my stove with the problem bypassed ?

This is extremely dangerous and we strongly advise not to do this. Your stove should never operate without all necessary components properly installed. Bypassing a switch is for diagnostic purposes only and should never be the solution. For instance, a loss of proper air flow is most often the result of a dirty stove rather than a defective vacuum switch.

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When Does My Whitfield Stove Need to be Cleaned?

Remember to ALWAYS unplug the stove and let it cool completely before attempting any maintenance task. The frequency of performing routine maintenance will vary depending on many variables including fuel ash content, stove usage, and installation factors. Periodically (daily – weekly as needed): Burn Grate – Regularly inspect the burn grate to ensure air flow is not restricted by ash

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What causes excessive soot & ash?

Whitfield stoves are designed to operate on top grade wood pellet fuel. Whitfield does not recommend agricultural pellets like corn. Try switching to higher quality pellets if you are experiencing high ash build up or frequent clinkers in the firebox. Different pellets may require an adjustment to the damper control or fuel feed trim to accommodate differences in size and

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What causes a false signal to feed pellets?

Some Whitfield models, including the Optima 2, Optima 3, Profile 20, Profile 30 and Traditions, use a light sensor to detect a flame in the burn grate called the photoeye. This sensor in the pellet feed chute controls pellet feed and fan speed. If sunlight shines directly into the firebox it may reflect and trick the photoeye into behaving as

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Which model do I have?

Many Whitfield customers express confusion on how to find their stove model number, especially with the Advantage models. The best way is to refer the stove safety label found inside the hopper lid or sometimes on the back of the stove. The serial number is proceeded by “WH-“. Locate the date of manufacture which is also notated on the safety

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